
The benefits of having a home alarm system give you the sense of feeling safe and secure, while having the peace of mind effect, and have now become vital to many homes throughout the lands.

Security alarm systems for your home can be inexpensive and can help benefit your home by adding a very valuable factor, and that is “safety”. Safety will also bring more buyers efficiently if selling a home.

Let’s take a look at how having an alarm system in place can have additional benefits to your home, safety and can also be a fun factor with some features to play with.

Personalize your security system with equipment like PET detectors for letting your loving pets roam free without your alarm triggering.

Or perhaps you’d like a state of the art colour touch screen for ease of use, and to have additional features on the keypad such as recording audio messages, or lighting automation etc.

You can have a separate part of the house (zone) armed so that the rest of the house isn’t armed which is a really handy feature to have, just like when you need the late night toilet stroll. It could be armed separately the rumpus room, garage, study, or a room with valuables that is fair distance away.

Backup battery is another prominent factor to look out for; this will give you the comfort feeling just in case there is a power outage in your street or town.

In-built mobile phone dialer is an extremely useful benefit for having an alarm system in place, where you can immediately get notified via your mobile phone when your system is triggered, or has been disarmed.

This can have you at the forefront of your homes security, so if someone is triggering or disarming you get the heads up first.

If you really want to be feel safe and secure you can also consider utilizing 24 hour back to base alarm monitoring.

This is a great way to secure your home if you’re going away on holidays, knowing your home is protected by a 24/7 alarm monitoring service that can handle call outs effective immediately if necessary.

So to round up, here a quick checklist for your next security system installation:

– 24 hour back to base alarm monitoring

– Silent emergency switch (behind the bed)

– Wireless alarm system options if required, wireless remote and sensors

– Event memory log

– In-built mobile phone dialer

– Rechargeable backup battery

– Separate zone arming

– Home automation features

– Personalizing of your system e.g. Touch screen keypad and automation, PET motion detectors, Wireless sensors for awkward or temporary positioning, window contacts, glass break sensors

By installing the right home security system you are protecting the two most valuable things in your world, your family and your home sweet home. Protect your family first while avoiding expensive property losses later.

Source by Matthew Jacobson

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