
Whether you already have a home security system or are looking to add to your existing security system, a wireless driveway alarm system may be the perfect addition for you. With a wireless driveway alarm system, you can detect motion at the entrances to your property. Many homes are actually under protected, only having a couple of doors or windows in the home protected by a security system. Many homeowners blame finances for not being able to improve their security system but they may not be aware of the affordability of a wireless driveway alarm system.

An outdoor motion detector and alert system can extend your security system by covering up to 600 feet of your property. It is great for your recreational vehicles or to monitor your mailbox; especially helpful if you have ever been a victim of mailbox baseball.

The components of a driveway alarm security system usually include a motion sensor and a receiver. If you have multiple locations that you would like to monitor, an unlimited number of additional sensors can be purchased in addition to each receiver. Receivers can be programmed with different sounds to allow you to differentiate between sensors.

Advantages to adding a driveway alarm system

There are many advantages to adding a driveway alarm system to your home security. One advantage is that many systems are compatible a buried probe sensor as well as a driveway hose sensor. Compatibility with multiple types of sensors allows you the flexibility of adding to your security system as dictated by your finances. One large advantage is a motion detection system can alert you to an intruder on your property before this intruder has gained access to the inside of your house. The possibility exists that this intruder could get into your home through an unprotected door or window and not set off your current alarm system. Sleep better at night with an improved security system with a driveway alarm system.

Motion Detector 101

Like many homeowners, you may have had a motion activated light in your driveway or yard. And, like many of us, you have been frustrated that the light is activated by every single minute motion. The great news is that motion detectors have made many technological improvements from the past and are now offered in a wide variety.

Types of Motion Detectors

Simply put, a motion detector is a device that projects an invisible ray up to 40 feet in diameter. While a wireless sensor is more common, there is also a standard hardwired sensor that is hard wired usually in the basement of your house. This is usually a cheaper option than the wireless models but can give you a false alarm, especially if you own a house pet. However, there is a pet immune motion sensor that is programmed to ignore animals that weigh less than 60 pounds; an excellent choice for those with pets. Finally, there is a specialized motion detector that not only detects motion but also senses body heat that can also trigger the alarm.

Source by Aunindita Bhatia

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