
Increasing crime rates across Canada have responded in more Canadians looking for ways to protect their homes and families. One solution that is now gaining popularity across Canada is a comprehensive home security system. Home security systems are designed to protect you and your loved ones from a number of dangers and hazards.

Since 2006 the following areas in Canada have produced the highest crime rates: (Rate Per 100,00 population)

  • Newfoundland & Labrador – 6571
  • PEI – 7,486
  • Nova Scotia – 8,698
  • New Brunswick – 6,781
  • Quebec – 6,626
  • Ontario – 6,251
  • Manitoba – 12,325
  • Saskatchewan – 15,276
  • Alberta – 10,336
  • BC – 12,564
  • Yukon – 22,197
  • NWT – 44,074
  • Nunavut – 32,831

With many reputable home security companies through out Canada, it is important that you know the differences between all the options that Canadian security companies have to offer for your cottage protection. Many Canadians choose to use a local dealer over a dealer in the USA simply because of cost and localized customer service.

When you install a home security system, you will have peace of mind knowing that you and your family are protected 24 hours a day, whether you are at home, sleeping, or away. You can also save money on your home insurance policy because most insurance carriers now offer their policy holders discounts if their homes are installed with a security alarm system. The best advantage of getting a home security system through a dealer in Canada is you can have your security system custom designed to fit your security needs.

Below are a number of home security devices and technologies that you can get with a custom designed home security system:

Home Intrusion Protection: A home burglar alarm system will protect you and your family from home invasion attempts. Types of intrusion detection technology include: door and window alarm sensors, adjustable motion detectors, glass breaking sensors, and ear piercing sirens to scare off burglars.

Fire and Smoke Detection: When smoke or extreme heat is detected, a signal is sent from the fire alarm system to the monitoring center and the siren in your home will be triggered. An operator will immediately respond to the signal and send the fire department.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors: When high levels of CO are detected, a signal is sent from the alarm system to the monitoring center where an operator will immediately alert you, and if necessary, dispatch the appropriate permissions. The siren from the carbon monoxide alarm will also be triggered to alert you of the danger.

Flood and Water Alarms: A special water sensor will detect water that is rising or overflowing resulting from a sewer backup, heavy rain flooding, or water from a burst water pipe, by sending a signal to the monitoring center.

Temperature Sensors: When extreme falling or rising temperatures are detected, the temperature monitor sends a signal to the monitoring center where an operator will take the appropriate actions.

Two Way Alarm Service: With a two way alarm, you have the ability to communicate directly with an operator during an emergency. An operator can speak to you and you can respond through a speaker and microphone that is connected to the home alarm system.

Wireless Security System: This system connotes the security system to the monitoring centers through a wireless network that operates independently from a conventional telephone line. Signals from the wireless alarm system are sent through a wireless communication service.

A quality home security system retailer in Canada will give visitors the ability to request a quote online and provide site demonstration of the best ways to protect your home. With a home security system, you will sleep peacefully knowing you, your family, and home are secure and protected.

Source by Bryan A Smith

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