
RV’s can be motor homes, trailers, 5th wheels and pop ups.They all have doors that should have quality locks installed. With the summer season here many people load up their RV’s and start camping. Most campgrounds are secure: however when you leave your RV, make sure that you lock your doors and this includes all of your storage doors.

As you get ready for the camping season you get all caught up in getting your RV ready, stocking it with supplies, food and of course your electronics, yes electronics. The bigger the RV the more electronics, like flat screen TV’s, radios, satellite receivers, even home theater systems. You could have thousands of dollars of electronics. The last thing that we think of is making sure that all this “stuff” is locked up and secured when we are not there.

Below is a list of attack and points of entry. Even better, think of yourself as a bad guy, how would you break into your RV?

  • Front door-Get a quality lock and use it when you are not at your RV, use it even if your rig is stored at your home.
  • Storage doors-You could have stuff worth a lot of money in those storage bays, lock them when you are not there. You should also lock them at night even if you are in the RV sleeping.
  • Fire Windows-Most RV’s have fire escape windows that are easy to open from the inside, make sure that they are latched.
  • Sky lights-you will find these near the bathroom of many RV’s they are very easy to cut open with a standard box cutter.

When you are not using your RV you might have to store it at a storage lot. If this is the case make sure that your storage lot has good lighting, secure fences around the lot that lock, and some type of video monitoring systems. In short the more security features the storage lot has the better. You might consider some type of alarm system that you can monitor through a Wi-Fi connection.

The bad guys know what is inside many RV’s and that they are easy targets if not in a secured lot. It is not only your stuff that they will steal, but they will do a lot of damage trying to get in and vandalize your unit once inside. In most cases the vandalism that is done will be a higher dollar value to fix than the stuff they took from you.

Finally you should have insurance from a reputable company that specializes in RV insurance.

Source by George Uliano

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