
Most working women are faced with the dilemma of earning for the family or staying home to care for the elderly. Working from home is an option but may not always be possible for women working as company executives and service professionals or for business women. With an emergency home alarm system, women are able to pursue their careers without being remiss in providing elderly care in cases of emergency.

Senior relatives are prone to falls, heart attacks and other medical emergencies while staying alone at home. Prompt medical attention in these cases improves their chances of recovery. An emergency home alarm is a service that anyone can use to obtain special assistance from trained staff in case of emergency or from loved ones during less than critical situations.

Most home alert systems use similar technology for notification and emergency response but what sets the best emergency call system apart from the rest is its special features.

Wide coverage: Most home medical alert devices are portable transmitters encased in pendants, wrist bands and clothing clip ons. These send radio signals to a receiving device or base which is installed inside the home and connected to the house phone. Signal transmission between the pendant and the radio base is essential for this alert system to work.

For this system to work, both devices must have a clear connection that is unbroken by physical obstructions around the house or signal disturbances from electronic appliances. A better alternative is to use a mobile phone as a medical alert device. It is not connected to a base unit at home and can trigger an alert anywhere, especially outdoors where senior relatives may be at the time of emergency.

Simultaneous and direct dialling: Look for a system that is programmed to contact several persons at the same time when your loved one triggers an emergency home alert. This increases the chances of obtaining prompt attention. Often the user provides a list of contacts and numbers so that the system can take care of calling these people and elderly family members won’t have to recall names and numbers.

Easy to use: Choose a system that is easy to use, preferably one with a push-button device that doesn’t require professional installation for it to work immediately.

Special features of an emergency home alarm such as tracking its location further improve peace of mind while you’re at work. Balancing work and elderly care responsibilities at home is now possible with an emergency call system.

Source by P Freeman

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