Most home owners are aware of the fact that the security of their home depends in large part on the security of the larger community in which it is located. As a result, home security measures will only be as successful as the broader security measures being implemented outside the walls of your home, in the neighboring homes and in the streets that run through your community. It is due to this reality that any home owner trying to boost their own personal home security also needs to help boost that of his neighbors and boost the overall security of the neighborhood as a whole. Without this sort of all-inclusive perspective, a person will always expose themselves to unnecessary and unwanted risks that could be overcome with a bit of proactiveness.
In order to help prop up the security of your neighbors’ homes, you will want to know what you are talking about; hence, becoming thoroughly acquainted with all the ins and outs of the home security industry is a must. Before tackling issues outside your own four walls, make sure that everything within them is in optimal condition: as they say, you have to have your own house in order before you go and tell others how to do things. There have been several crucial advances within the home security field over the last few years, and the contributions they make to guaranteeing safety in a home have been without a doubt invaluable, taking the level of service (at least that of the best companies in the sector) to unprecedented levels.
Two main advances in recent times have come in the form of the switch both to wireless and to digital technologies: these two facets of today’s security systems raise the bar way above its former height, and burglars have a worse lot than ever before with these latest generation technologies. Another major development that has kept countless people safe in emergencies has been the ability to adapt your keypad into a sort of intercom (two-way), which means that even if you can’t reach the phone or make it to the keypad on the wall you will be able to communicate with dispatchers. The keypad is equipped with a super-sensitive microphone and the speaker is given greater amplification powers, with the option of routing the audio to additional speakers throughout the home so that a dispatcher’s instructions can be heard from practically anywhere.
Another improvement of more or less the same class has been the inclusion of backup cellular tower communication lines between your home security system and the monitoring center, a crucial aspect that prevents storms or even criminals from severing your lifeline with live dispatchers.
Bring these issues up with neighbors, and prompt as many of them as possible to strongly consider getting such features included in their homes’ security systems. If they don’t have a security provider that offers such features, then provide them with information about which companies do (many times switching from one provider to another incurs no cost whatsoever, and many of the hardware components can be left in place).
[ad_2]Source by Ben Crenshaw