Interlogix Networx NX-8 Hardwired Security System

How To Add Wireless Sensors To My Interlogix NetworX Series Panel

Adding wireless sensors to an Interlogix NetworX series DSC panel is not difficult assuming you have a wireless receiver installed such as the NX-548E which allows up to 48 wireless sensors to be run assuming the NetworX panel has the capability for this many zones.

Using the NX-548E Wireless Receiver

  • Determine the Device Address of your receiver by looking at the 4 dip switches on the receiver itself (not the main motherboard in the metal box).
NX-548E Diagram
NX-548E Addresses
  1. Enter Program Mode:  Enter *8 + [Installer Code].  The default Installer Code is 9713.
  2. Enter Device Address of the receiver followed by # such as 33#.
  3. For Location enter 0# which puts the receiver in Learn Mode.
  4. Enter desired zone number followed by * (not #) such as 12*.  Be sure you are not selecting an existing zone!
  5. Tamper the transmitter (open up the plastic case or other method) to force a transmission.  If received successfully you will hear “bing-bong” at the keypad.  Three beeps however means it was not successful.
  6. If adding more wireless transmitters go back to step 3 to enroll the next transmitter.  If finished press [Exit] twice to leave Program Mode.
  7. Next you will need to set the Zone Type and Partition for this transmitter.  Common Zone types are:
    1. 17 = Exit/Entry Zone
    2. 18 = Interior Follower Motion
    3. 19 = Instant Perimeter
    4. 24 = Fire
    5. 21 = Gas/CO
    6. 22 = Environmental Low Temp or Flood
  8. Enter Program Mode again using *8 [Installer Code]
  9. For Device enter 0# which is the main panel
  10. For Location use the following:
    1. Location 25 is for Zones 1 – 8
    2. Location 27 is for Zones 9 – 16
    3. Location 29 is for Zones 17 – 24
  11. Enter appropriate Location for the zone you want to program such as Location 27#.  Be sure to follow with #.
  12. Each Segment (1 thru 8) is for Zone type.  So for Zone 12 enter * for Seg1/Zone9 (no change), * for Seg2/Zone10, * for Seg3/Zone11, then for Seg4 which is Zone 12 enter Zone type such as 22 followed by * (not #).  Follow up with # to move to next Location.
  13. Next what Partition this new zone will be in use the following for Location:
    1. Location 26 is Partitions for Zones 1 – 8
    2. Location 28 is Partitions for Zones 9 – 16
    3. Location 30 is Partitions for Zones 17 – 24
  14. Unless you are setup for multiple partitions use Partition 1.  Enter appropriate Location for the zone you want to program such as Location 28#.  Be sure to follow with #.
  15. Each Segment represents which of the 8 allowable partitions will be used for this zone.  For example if Zone 12 will be in Partition 1 enter * for Seg1/Zone9 (no change), * for Seg2/Zone10, * for Seg3/Zone11, Enter 1 for Seg4/Zone12 followed by * (not #).  If 1 is no longer showing press 1 again so its displayed.  Press # when finished.
  16. Exit Program Mode by pressing [Exit] twice.