
Installing a home security system used to require quiet a bit of demolition in order to connect the protection points to the keypad. Floorboards would have to be pulled up as well as drywall torn down, making the installation process time-consuming and pretty expensive. Now, wireless technology has revolutionized the way that home alarm systems function and are installed. The unobtrusive installation process takes just a few hours but still provides the top-quality protection you need to protect your home.

To start, the home security system provider sets up an appointment that works best with your schedule. You don’t have to wait around hours for an installer or leave work just to be at your home when the installer arrives. Instead, the installer works in accordance to when you’ll be home and when you’ll have time for the installation process.

There is not an option to install the home alarm system yourself. Rather, a professional installer is sent to your home to ensure that your alarm system works as soon as it’s installed. When it comes to installing your home security system, you don’t have to lift a finger.

When the installer arrives, he or she mounts a three points protection system in your home. This requires the installer to set up protection at three different entry points into your home. If one of these entry points is forced, the three points transmit wireless signals to the keypad, or the central mainframe of your home security system. Once the keypad receives the signals, the alarm is activated, which prompts your monitoring center to contact the local authorities.

This wireless system allows for an easy installation process. It used to be that installing a home alarm system required wires to be run from your entry points to the keypad. Floorboards would have to be ripped up and drywall torn down in order to install the system. However, a wireless home security system doesn’t require any demolition or expensive installation procedures. It’s a straightforward and unobtrusive way to ensure the maximum protection of your home and loved ones.

Once the home alarm system is installed, the professional installer walks through a short demo with you. He or she will teach you how the system functions as well as what to do in the event of an emergency. You will learn how to arm and disarm your system as well as how to manually contact the local police and fire department with just the touch of a button. It’s so simple that even the smallest members of your family can use the keypad in the event that you’re unable to.

Finally, once the installation is complete, your professional installer will provide you with a certificate showing proof of your home alarm system. You can actually save up to 20% on your homeowner’s insurance by installing a system in your home. It shows your insurance provider that you’re serious about taking maximum measures to protect your home and avoid the need for homeowner’s insurance coverage in the event of a break-in.

Source by Levi Mortenson

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