The fire alarm went off. My son started screaming
“There’s a fire dad, we got to get out!”. I check the house but this time it was a false alarm, it was just smoke. Something cooking in
the oven spilled out and generated enough smoke to trigger the
fire alarm.
I started the fans in the kitchen, the alarm kept screeching.
I took a newspaper and fanned it in front of the little gadget,
The alarm kept screeching so I quickly took the batteries out. As soon as the batteries came out, my son started screaming “Dad, do you want us to die?”
Public schools teach fire safety. The classes teach children how
to call 911 and what to do if their houses catch on fire.
These classes stress the importance of keeping the fire alarm working. My son encouraged me to change the batteries and check the
fire alarm to insure it was working properly.
The first line of defense to protect your home against fire is the
fire alarm system. Fire alarms have saved the life of thousands of
people. I was lax in taking the batteries out of the fire alarm.
I was reminded of the seriousness of my offense when my son
reminded me that we could die.
I committed to learn more about how to keep my family safe but also
to get involved with the school’s safety program.
Home fires can start very easily. Cigarettes left burning or
combustible materials left under the sink or in the garage can
cause fires. Smoking related fires are preventable.Extinguish
smoking materials in water. Never leave a cigarette burning
Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires according to the
latest research. Kitchen fires caused by grease are the most common
but can be prevented by never leaving a cooking pot unattended.
Burning candles in the home is very popular. Candles lead to more
and more home fires each year. Candles should not be left burning
during the night for any reason.
The Fire Safety Council suggest that family know what actions to
take if a fire should start in their homes. Schools are required to
conduct periodic fire drills for their students. The students are
prepared for a fire When it happens at school. The students are
taught exactly what to do. The same type of fire drills and
instruction should be practiced at home.
Sparky The Fire Dog is the Mascot for the Fire Safety Council and
participates in Fire Prevention Week training for schools.
Fire Prevention Week is a national observance that is held each year.
Usually the observance is held In October. The theme this year
is “preventing cooking fires”.
Sparky teaches children fire safety in a fun and interactive way.
Sparky and the fire department of the local area put on a short
informative skit to teach the family how to create and maintain
awareness programs that teach the principals of fire prevention.
EVeryone in the family should get involved with practicing home
safety Home safety is the responsibility of everyone.
Fire Prevention is a priority for every family. Learning how to
keep the family safe is worth more than the time it takes to
participate in fire prevention training. The real world benefits
of this safety training is immeasurable. Benefits from this week
of fire safety reduce the possibility fire in you home started
by carelessness. Everyone who takes the training has a goal
to prevent the devastation of fire.
Source by Tim Gorman