
More and more households are installing security cameras, providing them with the ability to view their homes over the internet while they are away. Remotely viewing your cameras over the internet is a great feature, especially when you can view the security cameras from PDA phones like with our H.264 Standalone DVRs from an iPhone, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Mobile phone. However, no one wants to watch their cameras all the time. Advanced functionality that is built in to some Standalone DVRs will allow you to receive alerts from your system when events occur. Advanced connectivity between your Standalone DVR and an existing alarm system will allow you to receive alerts, control cameras, control recording or even control lights from your Standalone DVR.

Some home security camera DVRs like our H.264 Standalone DVRs provide the ability to connect to NO (normally open) or NC (normally closed) circuits. Home alarm systems generally have a NO or NC circuit that can be used to trip external devices, so this connection can be attached to the Alarm inputs on a DVR. This output from an alarm system will provide a signal to the DVR when connected to tell it when the alarm has been tripped. Once connected, inside the menu, you can configure the input to begin recording on a specific camera, switch focus on a camera to full screen, control an alarm output on the DVR, move a PTZ style camera to a specified preset position or even send an email to a specified address with a picture from your security cameras.

Alarm sensors like PIR motion sensors, glass break detectors, magnetic door contacts, outdoor motion sensors and more can also be connected to the alarm inputs on the DVR so that you can have positive alerts configured even if you do not currently have a monitored alarm system. Simply connect the outputs of any alarm system style sensor to the alarm inputs on your system and you will be able to configure the alerts for recording or email alerts. Most cell phones can also receive SMS messages by sending an email to a specific email address that will be forwarded to your phone via text message.

The outputs on your standalone DVR also use a configurable NO or NC circuit which can be used for actuating relays that can be used to trigger motors, door locks, turn on lights, arm alarm systems, sound sirens and more. Virtually any type of light, buzzer, alarm, solenoid or motor can be controlled directly or indirectly through NO or NC alarm outputs from the standalone DVR. These outputs can then be controlled while away from home using a PC, allowing you further control of your home through your security camera system.

Receiving alerts from your home security camera system can also reduce the need to constantly view your cameras remotely. With alarm system alerts configured on your DVR system, you will know when something pertinent is occurring and then you will be able to connect in and see the video of what is happening when you need it. Using the full resources that your home security camera DVR system can offer helps you save time and reduce the amount of time that you spend watching nothing happen on your cameras.

Source by Michael Dunteman

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