
Since the domestication of dogs in the early stages of human history, home alarm systems have exhausted. Even today, a big dog is hard to beat when a potential burglar stumbles into your home. Without high-tech alarm systems, a large animal of some kind patrolling the corridors of your home is the best option for a home alarm system. Not only can the animal differentiate between friend and foe, but it can also make a holy racket of noise and attack without provocation, the push of a button or a command of any kind. If large fines are successfully domesticated, it is possible to see many families investing in one for home security. Today's domestic cats may not seem to significantly threaten, but can be an excellent alert to an intruder, fire or other potential risks.

Bells, whistles and non-lethal traps have been used to alert humans in situations where hounds are not available. Out in the wild, when there is nothing but a fire for warmth and stars overhead, and a home alarm system is as transient as the ground on which you sleep, elaborate twigs strewn about the perimeter and strings attached to bells or the sentry's limbs would alert the campers of a new presence in the area.

In True Grit (either version) Rooster Cogburn sets a rope around the camp that snakes will not cross, but rather follow around and away from the sleeper. While this method is still under research, and appears to be mythical in some cases, it does provide the same security as a home alarm system: it helps the user sleep easier at night. Many cowboys swear on the type of rope and naysayers claim that Mythbuster's need to find out the truth.

Home alarm systems in this day are electronic: they can be silent or terrifyingly loud. The system could certainly turn on lights or it could activate motion sensor machine guns (for the super-rich and paranoid) or it could alert an operator at the systems' headquarters who would then call the home and the police in a matter of seconds.

As the Internet becomes more broadly available throughout each locale of humanity in most of North America (large cities especially), home alarm systems have taken to email notifications, sent and received by phone, at the first detection of an invasion in progress. With text messaging, one can easily send a text to parents or a friend while the act is in progress. Or, if one is stuck at home, they can ensure the police or appropriate emergency services are on their way. Text messaging might be the next big break for home alarm systems. One would be able to shut it off, turn it on or call the police by typing the commands into your QWERTY keyboard or Smartphone.

As long as human technology keeps improving, the abilities of a home alarm system will also grow. With the implementation of gene manipulation, perhaps parakeets with a venomous bite will be next!

Source by Gary P Nugent

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